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A dedicated server or a virtual server
24 Hits, Last modified:
a virtual server ====== <WRAP info>These are my notes on choosing between Hetzner's Dedicated Server ... erver VQ 19. This was written in 2011 so this may not reflect the current similarities and differences ... efore EQ 4 and it worked fine so I generally have nothing against the idea of a VPS. * I checked my [... 19 and it should run fine on both. The service is not a high traffic service and the technical architec
Inside SOTKAnet
16 Hits, Last modified:
March 2005 and the project was considered closed not before June 2005. It is might be easy to say that... ilding the indicator bank was everything else but not a straightforward process. Only the last part whe... ollecting and typing in the metadata and last but not least organizing the funding for the whole cake. ... t all of them were eventually solved. You might notice that term OLAP (online analytical processing)
Catz service management @en:information_technology:catz
15 Hits, Last modified:
> This page contains short process descriptions, notes and checks for Catz application engine manageme... managed. This also gives me online access to the notes. Starting from February 4th 2012 the system an... , 436 wallclock secs). Git Commit the project if not yet committed. ==== On production ==== Detect w... processes or which enviroment has the lastest file. <code> ps -ef | grep catz </code>
The ZeuS malware incident
13 Hits, Last modified:
aspx|TCPView]] to monitor network connections and noticed that [[en:information_technology:opera_tor_ma... arlier text]] running the virus scanners revealed nothing. I was also unable to find anything written a... back. So I didn't know what it was but I decided not to install and use Opera browser anymore. ===== ... es returned. I tried reboot and modem resets with not much help. Then I was back with [[http://technet.
Opera browser wild on opening sockets and listening on port 9050
9 Hits, Last modified:
code to Opera process. I might be that there was nothing wrong with Opera browser itself. [[en:informa... come back I started investigating. First thing I noticed is that ping worked well but new TCP traffic ... om/fi-fi/sysinternals/bb897437.aspx|TCPView]] and noticed that there were enormous amount of sockets to... era and rebooted the computer. After the reboot I noticed the socket issue was cleared but Opera was au
Perl MVC frameworks: Catalyst, Dancer, Mojolicious
7 Hits, Last modified:
ork. When the project started I found Mojolicious not to be mature enough for this system. But it devel... and [[|Hypnotoad]] at the back. All the three frameworks are developed to a stage that they are ready for... t a DSL. ===== Mojolicious ===== Mojolicious is not an attempt to rewrite Catalyst. It a new way of i
Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
6 Hits, Last modified:
are and documents some things I tried out but did not work. ===== Asus VivoMini PC ===== I have a tin... mapping to the network drive. It is important to note that the solution described on this page only en... ons ====== OpenMediaVault's web control panel is not fancy and has no wow-factor. But it is clear and ... hat the transfer speed is limited by the network, not the CPU. Based on this the server should be able
Moving from Perl to Python
4 Hits, Last modified:
transition from Perl I felt that Go and Rust were not for me. So finally I had only two real candidates... go with Python which seems to be widely used and not close to the end of its practical life. These ar... vid Perl programmer here are some key things I've noticed. Indentations are important part of the lang... es in indentation//. At first I found it strange not to use { } and instead use : and indentation. Bu
PostgreSQL vs SQLite
4 Hits, Last modified:
y underestimated without a real reason. SQLite is not just for embedded mobile solutions. It scales bot... me more. | | Database constraints | Primary keys, Not null, Foreign keys, Uniqueness, Basic check constraints, Basic triggers. | Primary keys, Not null, Foreign keys, Uniqueness, Advanced check co... ing plenty of tables. | Advanced. | ===== Random notes on SQLite ===== * The internal design of SQLi
Seagate Expansion Desktop performance issues and fixes
4 Hits, Last modified:
ent log had logged messages that the device could not be migrated. Device SCSI\Disk&Ven_Seagate&Prod_Expansion_Desk\000000 could not be migrated. When connecting all my other USB ha... d. After some googling I interpeted the "could not be migrated" message so that there is some connec... , the write speed drops close to zero and appears not to recover from that.hard drive All my other USB
Catz metadata and social media integration @en:information_technology:catz
3 Hits, Last modified:
nmode pair loc | location | | browse runmode pair not org, umb, breeder, nat, loc | catz:concept where ... rst page | default,default | | browse runmode all not first page | noindex,default | | browse runmode p... t page | default,nofollow | | browse runmode pair not first page | noindex,nofollow | | browse runmode
Building a website mixing static and dynamic techniques
2 Hits, Last modified:
rengths of DokuWiki ===== DokuWiki is definitely not the most modern wiki engine or CMS available. But... es I need are available as plug-ins. Although I not a great fan of PHP programming language I find th
The small NAS server: about power consumption
2 Hits, Last modified:
C. The small server is performing fine but it has not enough power for software development projects. A... | | Power consumption of the exteral power supply not connected to computer | 0 W | 4 w | | Power consu
Catz bulk intefrace @en:information_technology:catz
2 Hits, Last modified:
n/bulk/photolist?d=2003-08-01&l=Helsinki]] (album not found) * [[]] (album not found) * [[
Dokuwiki notes and tricks
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== Dokuwiki notes and tricks ====== <WRAP info>Latest update 2023-02-17.</WRAP> ===== My preferre
The small NAS server: long-term impressions
1 Hits, Last modified: