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Inside SOTKAnet
6 Hits, Last modified:
o say that "what a long running project" but that wouldn't be fair. The SOTKAnet project wasn't actually ... manage all this, and they did a great job. I also would like to thank other IT experts that worked on the... chose the hard way since the implementation costs would have been much less with PX-Web solution and the project timeline would also have been much shorter. But what we got is t
A dedicated server or a virtual server
4 Hits, Last modified:
h more than I need and it is very unlikely that I would hit the 4 TB limit. So this is not a deciding fac... on travel (3G) in a reasonable time. With VQ 19 I would need to use Amazon's S3 or similar internet stora... nario causing lots of disk IO (especially writes) would be interesting. It should widen the performance g...|]] without performance issues. I would save 30 euros per month if switching to it. Still
Opera browser wild on opening sockets and listening on port 9050
2 Hits, Last modified:
I don't really know what the issue was but if I would have to conclude something I would say that it was * possibly a modified Opera executable somehow inje
Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
1 Hits, Last modified:
lling sharerootfs plug-in. This worked fine and I would have used this solution but in this way there is