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Catz service management
9 Hits, Last modified:
ks for Catz application engine management and for version upgrades. This page is provided as public to show... a succesfull loading roll to the latest database version. <code> perl </code> The production swi... ediately to use the old data. ===== Deploy a new version of the service ===== ==== On development ==== Clean old database versions from /db (leave only the latest db and the lates
About the design and implementation of Catz
9 Hits, Last modified:
ed text files to SQLite database. The database is versioned by making each version a database file. Database files are named YYYYMMDDHHMISS.db so the version tag is stated already in the filename. New data version (new file) is detected automatically by the produc
Catz metadata and social media integration
1 Hits, Last modified:
* on view points to the photo's thumbnail version ===== Additional page specific meta