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About the design and implementation of Catz
4 Hits, Last modified:
my skills with it were limited. I chose Perl because the language is highly effective and this project... no ORM or other fancy things. This is mainly because I can write SQL inside out and because the runtime access to database is read only. Data is loaded of... production system and the production switches to use it immediately invalidating cached data. Also rol
Catz service management
5 Hits, Last modified:
// directory. Run the database loader on server. Use load modes "meta post" or "meta post check" if th... l </code> The production switches immediately to use the new data. Check that the production effective... key file. The production switches immediately to use the old data. ===== Deploy a new version of the ... e). <code> perlbrew install perl-x.yy.z </code> Use the new Perl only in the current session. <code>
Catz bulk intefrace
2 Hits, Last modified:
nfo> 2021-04-25: This interface had its practical use until summer 2014. It is still available but cons... t to English pages. To get links to Finnish pages use ==== Phot