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Photo 65: M/S Birka Princess @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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M/S Birka Princess: a lifeboat that was put into use when the ship sank as M/S Sea Diamond. [[{}.:64
Photo 16: The house of Pekka Halonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of water on the lens) @en:photography:photos:20060519_culture_trip_lake_tuusula
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====== Photo 16: The house of Pekka Halonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of water on the lens) ====== The house of Pekka Halonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of w... e_tuusula/img_9773-700.jpg?nocache&.700x444|The house of Pekka Halonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of w
Photo 37: Kesäkatu 2 @en:photography:photos:1999_2003_around_finland
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että en uskonut kamerani pohjassa olevaa tekstiä Use only Kodak Advantix film vaan laitoin kameraan Fu
Lake Tuusula Culture Trip @en:photography:photos:20060519_culture_trip_lake_tuusula
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ke_tuusula/img_9773-200.jpg?nocache&315x200|The house of Pekka Halonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of w