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About the design and implementation of Catz
7 Hits, Last modified:
ro pages or other things to waste my or visitors' time with. * The single layout is designed to be usa... anguage | Perl | I had been using Perl for a long time but my skills with it were limited. I chose Perl ... ason and mod_perl but now I thought that it was a time to give MVC a go. [FrameworkComparison I tested s... use I can write SQL inside out and because the runtime access to database is read only. Data is loaded
Catz service management
2 Hits, Last modified:
rom the service front page that displays the data timestamp. Copy the database file and the key file ba... dead links. Change the environment on the boot time startup script. <code>nano /etc/rc.local</code>
Catz data concepts
3 Hits, Last modified:
hotographic aperture of the photo | exif | - | | etime | exposure time | The photographic exposure time of the photo | exif | - | | iso | sensitivity | The photographic sensi