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About the design and implementation of Catz
9 Hits, Last modified:
s a time to give MVC a go. [FrameworkComparison I tested several Perl MVC frameworks] and chose Mojolici... auge. | | Caching | Memcached | Very reliable and tested caching solution to throw in key-value -pairs a... atabase data is array-based and so positional. My tests indicate that access by column name that require... hed content by sending if-modified-since. ===== Testing ===== The system has a comprehensive automate
Catz service management
12 Hits, Last modified:
if needed. Fresh start memcached. Run automated tests. <code>prove -r ../t -I ../lib</code> All test should pass without warnings. Check that the test stats are reasonable (Files=23, Tests=9437, 436 wallclock secs). Git Commit the project if not yet com