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Lowepro Magnum AW
3 Hits, Last modified:
ger and I could not fit them into the bag anymore so I switched to [[lowepro_stealth_reporter_d650_aw]... agnum AW is my secondary back that I use to store some of my idle equipment. And sometimes when I have only a small amount of stuff to be I go back using
Kenko EF Extension Tubes
3 Hits, Last modified:
nses. These tubes do have EF electronics coupling so the camera will at least try to focus automatical... le to focus the lens much closer than usually and so boost the macro capacity of the lens. Of course w... If you use several tubes once you will find that sometimes the electronics coupling is not made and y
Lowepro Stealth Reporter D650 AW
2 Hits, Last modified:
ng in the bag's outer diameters are still very reasonable. Also in quality-wise the bag appears be excellent. <HTML><iframe width="560" height="315" src=
Lowepro Nature Trekker AW II
3 Hits, Last modified:
stly use [[lowepro_stealth_reporter_d650_aw]] but sometimes I have a need for a bagpack. The construct... ll probably last forever. However the capacity is somewhat smaller than with [[lowepro_stealth_reporter_d650_aw]] and also taking the equipment out is much harder. {{tag>h
Lowepro DSLR Video Fastpack 150 AW
2 Hits, Last modified:
of water, a compact umbrella, a small laptop and some other stuff. For my serious equipment like [[en... . The side-entry comparment is a great idea and also in practice works as expected. The difference in
Canon Angle Finder C
1 Hits, Last modified:
e angle. In practical action photography you will soon find yourself returning back to the standard sh
Marumi Digital Pro Aircell
1 Hits, Last modified:
s your satisfaction more than you might think. Personally I'll never downgrade back to the original st
Camera and lenses are not all you need
9 Hits, Last modified:
en and microfiber lens cleaning cloths * the sensor cleaning set for sensor cleaning at home: Sensor Swap, Pec Pads, Eclipse fluid * [[|]] customiz... yder 3 monitor calibration tool * photo editing software ===== Things that I sometimes use =====