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About the design and implementation of Catz
15 Hits, Last modified:
tation of Catz ====== <WRAP info>Written in 2011 so may contain outdated information.</WRAP> ===== T... less: the HTTP GET request's URL identifies the resource requested. There are no cookies nor sessions.... rovided. ===== Technologies used ===== Here are some of the technologies chosen during the project. ... rk | Mojolicious MVC Framework | I was aware of Mason and mod_perl but now I thought that it was a tim
Catz service management
8 Hits, Last modified:
olicious-based application can be managed. This also gives me online access to the notes. Starting fr... stem and the server has automated backup routines so backup instructions were removed from this page. ... ithout warnings. Check that the test stats are reasonable (Files=23, Tests=9437, 436 wallclock secs). ... ass without warnings. Check that the stats are reasonable (Files=23, Tests=9413, 157 wallclock secs).
Catz metadata and social media integration
7 Hits, Last modified:
====== Catz metadata and social media integration ====== ===== Mandatory page metadata ===== The bas... tp-equiv content-language | content langauge is also set on html and body so we really are on the safe side | | link shortcut icon | standard old-school f... ebook fan page | | meta credits | gives credit to some fundamental technologies that the service is ba
Catz data concepts
4 Hits, Last modified:
y the Catz service are listed here in the default sorting order. For more information about the concep... ^ Technical code ^ Visible text ^ Explanation ^ Source data level ^ Langauge dependent ^ | album | a... raphic exposure time of the photo | exif | - | | iso | sensitivity | The photographic sensitivity of the photo expressed as a ISO value | exif | - | | flen | focal length | The ph
Catz application engine
2 Hits, Last modified:
ilt application that runs The source code is available at <nspages -h1 -exclude -Simplelist -textPages=""> Some of the technologies that Catz is based on are:
Catz bulk intefrace
1 Hits, Last modified:
a result that includes a cat name //Pörkarvan JakeSonOfJonatan// that contains//// that can be used in