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Nytech ND-4020 @en:photography:compact_cameras
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he tech support advised me to send the camera for service. I decided not to send since the service center is located at Germany and so the service would take at least two weeks. I also assumed that this is... rmware version (2005-07-18) downloadable [[|from Targa's website]] should increa
Canon EOS 20D @en:photography:camera_bodies
2 Hits, Last modified:
he shutter is half pressed. My 20D was sent to service station once. In extreme conditions (indoors at h... st before the warranty expired I sent the body to service station and some electronics was replaced. {{tag
Photo 4: M/S Suomenlinna II @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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to Helsinki South Harbour. The ferry entered into service summer 2004. [[{}.:3|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:5|
Photo 5: M/S Suomenlinna II @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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to Helsinki South Harbour. The ferry entered into service summer 2004. [[{}.:4|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:6|
Photo 21: Sörnäinen @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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ht ship and M/S Ehrensvärd that takes care of the service traffic to Suomenlinna. [[{}.:20|<<<<<< Previou