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Photo 92: M/S Mariella @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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jet propulsion system to avoid physical damage to people due to a rotating propeller. [[{}.:91|<<<<<< Pr
Photo 84: Danvikshem @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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====== Photo 84: Danvikshem ====== Old people's home Danvikshem, Stockholm [[{}.:83|<<<<<< Previous]]
Photo 83: Danvikshem @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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====== Photo 83: Danvikshem ====== Old people's home Danvikshem, Stockholm [[{}.:82|<<<<<< Previous]]
Photo 32: M/S Mariella @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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ods. The rafts can be opened on deck, filled with people and then lowered to the sea. As an backup method
Photo 29: M/S Mariella @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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jet propulsion system to avoid physical damage to people due to a rotating propeller. [[{}.:28|<<<<<< Pr
Photo 28: M/S Mariella @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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re expected to drop them to sea and then drop the people to sea and expected them to sim to rafts. Imagine how this will be like when you have ordinary people onboard, it is winter time and rough sea. [[{}.