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Production notes: One (2023) @en:music:track
1 Hits, Last modified:
backbone track. Ended up with a simple sound and only three notes. Did a couple of practice runs and th
Electric Body Machinery Soundset for Waldorf Blofeld by Ari Ahrendt
1 Hits, Last modified:
me highlights in monophonic lead sounds. There is only a few arps but they are quite nice. The drum soun
Waldorf Rocket
1 Hits, Last modified:
ntrol for attack of ADSR. * Sine wave available only via filter resonance so it is limited and it is h
Alien Vanguard Soundset for Waldorf Blofeld by HG Fortune and Dimitri Schkoda
1 Hits, Last modified:
Most of the sounds are big and complex. They commonly use detuning, have no clear pitch or provide an e