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Music collection @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
exclusively in files (MPG, MP3, Spotify etc) are not listed. I assume that the list is close to comple
Music: T @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
ekset Keskinen Tuuri | | Tarot | For the Glory or Nothing | CD | | Ariman webstore | | Tarot | Gravity
Music: S @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
| 5/2001 | Veljekset Keskinen Tuuri | | Stream | Nothing Is Sacred | CD | | Veljekset Keskinen Tuuri
Music: M @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
store Iso-Roobertinkatu Helsinki | | Mattsson | Another Dimension | CD | 2017 | Kane Records | | Megad
Music: E @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
2.2008 | Anttila Itäkeskus Helsinki | | Exodus | Another Lesson In Violence | CD | 10/2002 | promotion
YLE Radioteatteri @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
| YLE Radioteatteri | Knalli ja sateenvarjo 9 (Keinottelua huonekaluilla, Vahtimestari vauhdissa) | CD
Music: Y @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
YLE Radioteatteri]] | Knalli ja sateenvarjo 9 (Keinottelua huonekaluilla, Vahtimestari vauhdissa) | CD
Production notes: One (2023) @en:music:track
4 Hits, Last modified:
====== Production notes: One (2023) ====== <WRAP info>Written in 2023-07-28. Latest update 2023-08-01.... rack. Ended up with a simple sound and only three notes. Did a couple of practice runs and then recorde... ords instead of synth sounds. Tested singing some notes but they did not fit well to the mix. Then tried a few spoken words and ended up just saying a singl
Production notes: Random jamming with Waldorf Blofeld (2016) @en:music:track
2 Hits, Last modified:
====== Production notes: Random jamming with Waldorf Blofeld (2016) ====== <WRAP info>Written in 2023-... eld synth. Ended up with an interesting sound and noticed how easy it is to manipulate it live using th
Music track production notes @en:music:track
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== Music track production notes ====== <nspages -h1 -exclude -Simplelist -textPages="" -textNS="">
Waldorf Blofeld Desktop
3 Hits, Last modified:
can produce some nice analogish sounds but it is not a virtual analog synthesizer. * Blofeld's user ... a_mo6|Yamaha MO6]] are far better. * Blofeld is not the best choice for users that like to stick to t... ks and other small interferences to the sound. So not a best synth for live parameter tweaking. * Ve
Ingo Weidner's Analog vs. Digital Soundset for Waldorf Blofeld
5 Hits, Last modified:
u are looking for new radical sounds then this is not the soundset for you. These are classic sounds. T... ounds, no sound effects. Here is a table of some notable sounds in this soundset. ^ Sound number ^ So... dly usable today | | 030 | Poly | Horny P5 | yet another very simple but beautiful synth pad sound, sou... c synth lead sound | | 063 | Poly | OB-X Brass | another good synth brass contestant, filter opens nice
Electric Body Machinery Soundset for Waldorf Blofeld by Ari Ahrendt
8 Hits, Last modified:
128 sounds it achieves this nicely but of course not perfectly. The sounds are rich and punchy. Many o... but they are quite nice. The drum sounds I found not to be very interesting. Here is a table of some notable sounds in this soundset. ^ Sound number ^ So... ilter 1 tweaking | | 013 | Bass | Fulterpilse | another multi-purpose bass sound, interesting tones ca
Waldorf Streichfett
2 Hits, Last modified:
effecting. * Looks cool. ===== Cons ===== * Not for those who are looking for a general purpose synthesizer. * Not an actual con but if you use the effects too much
Waldorf Rocket
3 Hits, Last modified:
mple percussive sounds. * The powerful sound is not so great if you want soft pad sounds. If you are looking for a soft-sounding synth then this is not a synth for you. * Not actually a con but as all synths that come without effects the bare box sound
Novation Mininova
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Comparing the small Waldorf synthesizers
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A quick dive into the effects of Akai MPC Live
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the t.bone IEM 100 In-Ear System
3 Hits, Last modified: