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Moving from Perl to Python
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, Visual Basic, Lisp and Fortran (at least). The most used general purpose programming language for me
Building a website mixing static and dynamic techniques
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of DokuWiki ===== DokuWiki is definitely not the most modern wiki engine or CMS available. But it is ba... ble. The feature set seems to be comprehensive as most of the features I need are available as plug-ins.
Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
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s. Applying the setting changes appears to be the most cpu-heavy operation, consuming 40 % - 100 % of C
Inside SOTKAnet
7 Hits, Last modified:
gy. Well, it wasn't, far from that. I assume that most of the work was done on "the soft side" of the pr... ys to publish statistical data on web. One of the most interesting was PC-Axis and its subsystem PX-Web ... web interface at is probably the most sophisticated. {{ images:sotkanet:sotkanet_data... a collected for statistical purposes. Some of the most sensitive are the databases that store data of pe
The ZeuS malware incident
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But I think this is unlikely: nowdays malware is mostly to do something beneficial without getting noti
A dedicated server or a virtual server
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GB is a huge space and due to disk buffering EQ 4 mostly servers my content from RAM. 2 GB is enough to
PostgreSQL vs SQLite
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rinciple | Clever ultra-lightweight desing. | The most advanced open source relational database server. ... | | Feature set | Limited feature set suited for most common uses. | Complete feature set comparable to
Perl MVC frameworks: Catalyst, Dancer, Mojolicious
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ing rules in one place * it is lightweight like most of the other components that I chose to use (SQLi
Dokuwiki notes and tricks
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Edit file lib/tpl/typowiki/tpl_functions.php In function _tpl_discussion comment out most of the code.