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Music: S @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
ire | CD | 4.12.2001 | CDON webstore | | Sony | Demostration Tape | MC | | | | Soulcage | Dead Water D
Ufox HK2 -ilmankostutin @fi:koti
3 Hits, Last modified:
s. Laitteissa ei ole normaalikäytössä toimivaa termostaattia eli lämpövastus on aina päällä. Laitteessa on termostaatti joka laukeaa pois päältä kun vesi on lopussa... stää laitteen sulaminen siinä tapauksessa että termostaatti ei toimisi. ... Valmistajan mukaan laittee
Moving from Perl to Python @en:information_technology
1 Hits, Last modified:
, Visual Basic, Lisp and Fortran (at least). The most used general purpose programming language for me
Building a website mixing static and dynamic techniques @en:information_technology
2 Hits, Last modified:
of DokuWiki ===== DokuWiki is definitely not the most modern wiki engine or CMS available. But it is ba... ble. The feature set seems to be comprehensive as most of the features I need are available as plug-ins.
Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault @en:information_technology
1 Hits, Last modified:
s. Applying the setting changes appears to be the most cpu-heavy operation, consuming 40 % - 100 % of C
Production notes: One (2023) @en:music:track
2 Hits, Last modified:
Headphones or proper speakers recommended since most laptop, tablet and smartphone speakers won't play... ated on Yamaha Reface CS oscillator and filter is mostly low frequencies. Laptop, tablet and smartphone