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About the design and implementation of Catz
3 Hits, Last modified:
blic access is dynamic but read only. All data is loaded offline by a loader sumsystem. * There is one simple straightforward layout and graphical design th... runtime access to database is read only. Data is loaded offline from tagged text files to SQLite databa
Catz service management
14 Hits, Last modified:
tance under //data// directory. Run the database loader on server. Use load modes "meta post" or "meta post check" if there is only data changes, all modes if new photos are to be loaded first. <code> perl meta post check </code> After a succesfull loading roll to the latest da
Catz metadata and social media integration
4 Hits, Last modified:
logies that the service is based on | ===== Overloadable page metadata blocks ===== The base template... .ep provides the following blocks that can be overloaded by page templates. ^ block ^ tags ^ explanatio... he site's logo in png format | The following overloads are in effect on canon block: * on browse fir... p and without widget setup The following overloads are in effect on image block: * browse on runm