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Photo 16: The house of Pekka Halonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of water on the lens) @en:photography:photos:20060519_culture_trip_lake_tuusula
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lonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of water on the lens) ====== The house of Pekka Halonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of water on the lens) [[{}.:15|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:17|Next >>>>>... lonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of water on the lens)}}]] [[{}.:15|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:17|Next >
Photo 38: Kesäkatu 2 @en:photography:photos:1999_2003_around_finland
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orama-vaihtoehto näyttää tässä kuvassa parhaat puolensa (Helsinki, kevät 2001). [[{}.:37|<<<<<< Previo
Macro cats @en:photography:photos:20150613_cats_macro_jamsa
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jamsa/img_1079-200.jpg?nocache&384x200|Macro cats · photo 22}}]] {{tag>cat macro-lens jamsa 2015}}
Lake Tuusula Culture Trip @en:photography:photos:20060519_culture_trip_lake_tuusula
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lonen at Halosenniemi (and a drop of water on the lens) · Lake Tuusula Culture Trip · photo 16}}]] [[.:1