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Kodak Advantix F300
2 Hits, Last modified:
the film. The best quality came with Kodak's 200 ISO film. For example Fuji's film produced greenish photos and ISO 400 film got overexposed, although the camera sho
Ricoh GR
3 Hits, Last modified:
Low noise and very pleasing noise pattern on high ISOs. * TAv mode allows a real use of Auto ISO with exposure correction. * Very compact size consideri... gorithm is primitive and ruins the photos on high ISOs. Go to RAW. ===== Description ===== I purchase
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ1000
5 Hits, Last modified:
* The sensor gives rather good results even on ISO 1600 or ISO 3200. I'd say that ISO 1600 is cleaner and has more dynamic range and details than [[fujifilm_x_s1|Fujifilm X-S1's]] ISO 800 has. Of course DSLRs and especially full fram
Nytech ND-4020
6 Hits, Last modified:
(auto), 1/5 s - 1/1000 s (manual - flash off) * ISO 100, 200, 400 * Color modes: standard, monochro... red only in the darkest photos when shooting with ISO 400 and they could be easily removed by any decen... ution and the camera goes to highest sensitivity (ISO 400). The noise becomes very visible and gets eve... o by reducing the sensitivity of the sensor (from ISO 400 to ISO 100) or to reduce the resolution (mayb
Fujifilm X-S1
5 Hits, Last modified:
ns gives smudgier results. But that kind of comparison is unfair and I think that for most uses the res... deliver DSLR-grade results. My impression is that ISO 800 can be used without thinking much. ISO 1600 is too much for me. I typically set my X-S1 to Auto ISO and limit it to ISO 800. The camera has an EXR s
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX7
2 Hits, Last modified:
1.4 at the wide end). The faster lens means lower ISOs and that means less noise. The f/1.4 lens really... ce. The sensor is small and you get noise on high ISOs. Period. * The manual lens cap is almost as an