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Kuva 92: M/S Mariella @fi:valokuvaus:valokuvat:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
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owered quickly if somebody gets into water and it has a water jet propulsion system to avoid physical d
Kuva 29: M/S Mariella @fi:valokuvaus:valokuvat:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
1 Hits, Last modified:
overed quickly if somebody gets into water and it has a water jet propulsion system to avoid physical d
Photo 92: M/S Mariella @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
1 Hits, Last modified:
owered quickly if somebody gets into water and it has a water jet propulsion system to avoid physical d
Photo 29: M/S Mariella @en:photography:photos:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki
1 Hits, Last modified:
overed quickly if somebody gets into water and it has a water jet propulsion system to avoid physical d
Vieraskirjan henkilöt @fi:kulttuuri:ilveslinna:henkilot
2 Hits, Last modified:
auri_hartikainen|Hartikainen Mauri]] * [[aarne_hasu|Hasu Aarne]] * [[anneli_hattari|Hattari Anneli]] * [[elli_heikinheimo|Heikinheimo Elli]] <fs 85
Sivu 50: Virolahden kunnanvaltuuston retkikunta 3.9.1955 @fi:kulttuuri:ilveslinna:sivut
2 Hits, Last modified:
_rikkola|Kerttu Rikkola]] - [[..:henkilot:aarne_hasu|Aarne Hasu]] - Usko ? - [[..:henkilot:eino_nakari|Eino Nakari]] - [[..:henkilot:eino_koskela|Ei
Aarne Hasu @fi:kulttuuri:ilveslinna:henkilot
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== Aarne Hasu ====== ~~NOTOC~~ ===== Esiintyy sivuilla ===== * [[..:sivut:sivu50]]
Music: H @en:music:music_collection
1 Hits, Last modified:
wake | CD | 6/2003 | Veljekset Keskinen Tuuri | | Hassisen Kone | Tarjolla tänään | CD | 7.10.2000 | Mu
Moving from Perl to Python @en:information_technology
2 Hits, Last modified:
used general purpose programming language for me has been Perl. As it is 2020's now, the activity of t... esting works well on both Windows and Linux. * Has excellent libraries. * Seems that anything I a
Server benchmark 2014: Hetzner EX 40 Dedicated Server @en:information_technology:server_benchmarks
1 Hits, Last modified:
===== * 2014 * Intel® Core™ i7-4770 Quadcore Haswell incl. Hyper-Threading Technology * 32 GB DD
Server benchmark 2013: Hetzner EX 40 SSD Dedicated Server @en:information_technology:server_benchmarks
1 Hits, Last modified:
===== * 2013 * Intel® Core™ i7-4770 Quadcore Haswell incl. Hyper-Threading Technology * 32 GB DD
Server benchmark 2018: Hetzner EX41-SSD Dedicated Server @en:information_technology:server_benchmarks
1 Hits, Last modified:
===== * 2018 * Intel® Core™ i7-7700 Quadcore Haswell incl. Hyper-Threading Technology * 32 GB RA
About this site @en
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ersonal website since October 22nd 1994. The site has been running * as a set static HTML pages from
The small NAS server: about power consumption @en:information_technology
2 Hits, Last modified:
or PC. The small server is performing fine but it has not enough power for software development project... rence is huge due to the fact that the new server has a much more powerful processor. {{tag>power-cons
The small NAS server: long-term impressions @en:information_technology
4 Hits, Last modified:
months written in 2021-02-21.</WRAP> The system has been running for about six months now and I'm still very happy of this setup. So far there has been no major issues. There has been one or two incidents that the system didn't shut down properly by... rs written in 2023-01-05.</WRAP> This NAS system has been running without major issues. The system c
Production notes: One (2023) @en:music:track
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