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Building a website mixing static and dynamic techniques
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y as a hobby. For cat show photos I wrote [[en:information_technology:catz:start|a dynamic web applicatio
The small NAS server: about power consumption
4 Hits, Last modified:
ecided to measure the power consumption of [[en:information_technology:one_disk_nas|my small NAS server]].... results, the typical power consumption of [[en:information_technology:one_disk_nas|my small NAS server]] ... ger server ===== I am planning to replace [[en:information_technology:one_disk_nas|the small server]] wit... de the NAS server to a more powerful one. [[en:information_technology:one_disk_nas|The small server]] is
Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
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2020-07-15. Latest update 2020-08-01. See [[en:information_technology:the_nas_impressions|a separate page... n the safe side. Then created I created a new __unformatted__ partition from the free space. By hitting A... volume -> volume group -> logical volume on an unformatted disk partition. - Create an encrypted device... ccessible via SMB/CIFS. In short the chain is: unformatted disk partition -> physical volume -> volume gr