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Inside SOTKAnet
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detailed information on well-being and health in Finland. SOTKAnet was launched by STAKES, the National Re... jected over different administrative areas (whole Finland, a sub region, a municipality etc) and over time.... ce data to answer these questions cam from. Well, Finland is a mature state and already had very sophistica... lth (STAKES), The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) and the Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK),
A dedicated server or a virtual server
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e results. === EQ 4 === From a remote host in Finland: ab -n 300 -c 10 ... <code> Concurrency Level: ... t) </code> === VQ 19 === From a remote host in Finland: ab -n 300 -c 10 ... <code> Concurrency Level:
Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
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Language: English * Location: other / Europe / Finland * Locale: en_US.UTF-8 * Keymap: Finnish * P... ions started. * Debian archive mirror country: Finland * Changed the suggested Debian archive mirror f
Catz metadata and social media integration @en:information_technology:catz
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and view with runmode pair and concept loc set to Finland * on browse and view with runmode pair and con