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Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
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wer button press. That shutdown is typically very fast, much faster than a normal shutdown. Just a few flashes of disk light and the system is down. ===== In
About the design and implementation of Catz @en:information_technology:catz
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Templating engine | Mojoicious' built'in ep | Is fast and feature rich and included in Mojolicious. Use... y allocation eats all these via Cache::Memcached::Fast and starts to evict old entries based on the defa
Inside SOTKAnet
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gn goal of SOTKAnet data warehouse was to provide fastest possible query response time. Update and inser... t important. As far as know it is a fact that the fastest way to provide calculated values to user is to... ovations that I'm very proud of. It provides very fast data flow, accurate results, easy management and fast error tracing. An overview of it can bee seen in
Opera browser wild on opening sockets and listening on port 9050
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r or disguised to look like Tor traffic As I was fast on taking actions in protecting my computer I did
A dedicated server or a virtual server
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write things like //excellent performance// and //fast disk IO// they should be interpreted the server l
PostgreSQL vs SQLite
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info>Written in 2011.</WRAP> If you need a very fast relational database for a limited amount of data ... ts minimal design simple operations run extremely fast. Requires no initial tuning. | Requires tuning to... tes. * SQLite queries run typically 40 percent faster on Debian Linux (5 and 6) than on Windows 7 wit
Perl MVC frameworks: Catalyst, Dancer, Mojolicious
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it::Vector) * the integrated template engine is fast and fits very well to my needs * the attitud