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Opera browser wild on opening sockets and listening on port 9050
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====== Opera browser wild on opening sockets and listening on port 9050 ====== <WRAP info>The strange behavior of Opera browser described in this text happened in 2013 a... S malware that dynamically injected its code to Opera process. I might be that there was nothing wrong with Opera browser itself. [[en:information_technology:the_z
The ZeuS malware incident
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ns and noticed that [[en:information_technology:opera_tor_malware|Opera browser was behaving badly]]. Opera was listening on TCP port 9050 that is [[https://www.torproject.or... re were some active network Tor connections and Opera was causing a massive flooding of TCP connections
Catz data concepts @en:information_technology:catz
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in the comment | pos | - | | lens | lens | The camera lens of the photo | exif | - | | body | body | The camera body of the photo | exif | - | | fnum | aperture