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Inside SOTKAnet
156 Hits, Last modified:
systems but only a few of them entered the implementation phase and none of them was ever finished. Our SOTKAnet project started during the early months of 2002 and it ran over... velopment was done solely by my team at STAKES. When the warehouse was mature enough to start building the web side on it we started to look for a vendor to design and implement the web interface. After some preliminary steps we chose Oracle Finland to
A dedicated server or a virtual server
142 Hits, Last modified:
= <WRAP info>These are my notes on choosing between Hetzner's Dedicated Server EQ 4 and Virtual Private Server VQ 19. This was written in 2011 so this may not reflect the current similarities and differences between the two server types.</WRAP> ===== Introduction ===== I've be
Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
103 Hits, Last modified:
ikka:projekti_minipc|Asus VivoMini PC]] that I recently retired in favor of [[:fi:tietotekniikka:projekti_tietokone_2:start|a more powerful system]]. Asus VivoMini PC is sma... enMediaVault greeted me with a simple welcome screen. Then I hit "Install" and started to answer the incoming questions. * Language... ion 20.04 LTS) and booted the computer from it. Then I started System Tools > KDE Partition Manager. From ther... ion > Restore AC Power Loss > Power On. I had [[:en:music:music_collection:start|my music collection]] converted to [[https://en.w
The ZeuS malware incident
54 Hits, Last modified:
he connection sometimes dropped for a while and then started to work again. Resetting the 4G modem or cable ... de. It was time for some manual investigation. I started regedit and checked locations HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\R... HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce. These set the programs that start on boot and ZeuS is one of them. All the other entries in the registry looked normal but there was a
PostgreSQL vs SQLite
37 Hits, Last modified:
multiple languages. | | Query optimizer | Simple. Starts to show its limitations when joining plenty of tables. | Advanced. | ===== Random notes on... interesting and clever. I have had interesting moments in studying it. The Definitive Guide to SQLite ... s) tells you more about the internals. * The recent develoment of SQLite overcomes some of the obstacles it has had with scaling on concurrent writes. T
About the design and implementation of Catz @en:information_technology:catz
37 Hits, Last modified:
ion eats all these via Cache::Memcached::Fast and starts to evict old entries based on the default Memcached LRU behavior.... ew database version all keys change and stale content is left unused. ==== Client side caching ==== Nginx servers photos and some other static assets. They get 7 days of client side cache lifetime and after that if-modified-s
Perl MVC frameworks: Catalyst, Dancer, Mojolicious
27 Hits, Last modified:
t, Dancer and Mojolicious) during this project. I started the project with Catalyst and implemented some of the core features and content pages with it. Then I started a side project to test Dancer framework. When the project started I found Mojolicious not to be mature enough for this system. But it developed a lot and later I dec
Catz service management @en:information_technology:catz
27 Hits, Last modified:
script/ to find dead links. Change the environment on the boot time startup script. <code>nano /etc/rc.local</code> Shutdown the NON-production environment. <code> cat | xargs kill -QUIT </code> Git Sync the project if not yet synce... s has a limited meaning since if something is broken, the results goes to memcache and are served ther
Building a website mixing static and dynamic techniques
26 Hits, Last modified:
purely as a hobby. For cat show photos I wrote [[en:information_technology:catz:start|a dynamic web application engine]] based [[https:... anguage about 12 years ago. The site you are currently browsing, [[:en:start|]], runs on [[https://www.dokuwi... tions of this site that use this technology are [[en:photography:photos:start]], [[en:music:music_collection:start]] and (in Finnish) [[fi:kulttuuri:ilveslinna:start]]. [[|Photo galleri
Moving from Perl to Python
25 Hits, Last modified:
code>__END__</code> in Python. My Perl modules tend to start with lot of meta lines like <code> use 5.14.2; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'experimental'; use utf8; binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)"); </code> I think this because of the long history
Opera browser wild on opening sockets and listening on port 9050
22 Hits, Last modified:
te text describing the ZeuS incident]].</WRAP> I encountered an interesting incident on my Windows 7 home computer. I started to have issues: it seemed that internet connection started to drop. It happened once in a while and rebooting the computer resolved the issue. When the issue continued to come back I started investigating. First thing I noticed is that p... ket issue was cleared but Opera was automatically started at reboot and listened on port 9050. There seemed not to be any unwant
Dokuwiki notes and tricks
16 Hits, Last modified:
==== * Installed languages: en, fi * The content is divided into two language branches so that all URL's start with en or fi Add to conf/local.php: <code> @include(DOKU_CONF.'local.protected.php'); </code> In ... cal.protected.php: <code> <?php $conf['lang'] = 'en'; $detected_lang = preg_replace('/^(..).*/i','$1'... de> What this effectively does: Sets language to English. Then scans the requested path and if it beg
The small NAS server: long-term impressions
16 Hits, Last modified:
down properly by pressing the power button and then refused to start normally after powering the system back up. A con... A that the shares kept disappearing. I tried frequent restart of the service and lowering the interval between the service broadcasts but these did not help. I ended up disabling MiniDLNA service and now share me
The small NAS server: about power consumption
13 Hits, Last modified:
power consumption ====== <WRAP info>The measurements were made and the writing started 2023-09-23. Writing completed 2023-10-11.</WRAP... sumption ===== As power consumption of ICT equipment and power consumption in general have became popular subjects I decided to measure the power consumption of [[en:information_technology:one_disk_nas|my small NAS
Catz metadata and social media integration @en:information_technology:catz
9 Hits, Last modified:
ges. ^ tag ^ explanation ^ | meta http-equiv content-type | | | meta http-equiv content-language | content langauge is also set on html and body so we really are on the safe side | | link ... d old-school favicon.ico at site's root | | meta generator | | | meta author | | | meta copyright | |