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Moving from Perl to Python
6 Hits, Last modified:
hich seems to be widely used and not close to the end of its practical life. These are the key benefi... l-purpose interpreted language it offers a smooth enough transition from Perl. * The code very easy... h clearer. Function definitions and calls always ends with () which I find very logical. There is no... lents of Perl's <code>__DATA__</code> and <code>__END__</code> in Python. My Perl modules tend to st
Building a website mixing static and dynamic techniques
14 Hits, Last modified:
purely as a hobby. For cat show photos I wrote [[en:information_technology:catz:start|a dynamic web application engine]] based [[https:... ars ago. The site you are currently browsing, [[:en:start|]], runs on [[https://www.dokuwi... tions of this site that use this technology are [[en:photography:photos:start]], [[en:music:music_collection:start]] and (in Finnish) [[fi:kulttuuri:ilveslinna:start]]. [[|Photo galleri
The small NAS server: about power consumption
6 Hits, Last modified:
P info>The measurements were made and the writing started 2023-09-23. Writing completed 2023-10-11.</WRAP... s I decided to measure the power consumption of [[en:information_technology:one_disk_nas|my small NAS ... these results, the typical power consumption of [[en:information_technology:one_disk_nas|my small NAS ... e bigger server ===== I am planning to replace [[en:information_technology:one_disk_nas|the small ser
The small NAS server: long-term impressions
2 Hits, Last modified:
by pressing the power button and then refused to start normally after powering the system back up. A con... the service broadcasts but these did not help. I ended up disabling MiniDLNA service and now share me
Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
33 Hits, Last modified:
ion > Restore AC Power Loss > Power On. I had [[:en:music:music_collection:start|my music collection]] converted to [[|FLAC files]] on an external 2
About the design and implementation of Catz @en:information_technology:catz
5 Hits, Last modified:
ion eats all these via Cache::Memcached::Fast and starts to evict old entries based on the default Memcached LRU behavior.
Inside SOTKAnet
16 Hits, Last modified:
my team at STAKES. When the warehouse was mature enough to start building the web side on it we started to look for a vendor to design and implement th... pre-calculated results. We stick to this rule and ended up storing all the pre-calculated indicator va... entifications for every dimension. The system now enters the fact table and picks the rows that have t... ctual numerical value of the indicator. Strangely enough the fact column is of character type. This is
Catz service management @en:information_technology:catz
12 Hits, Last modified:
script/ to find dead links. Change the environment on the boot time startup script. <code>nano /etc/rc.local</code> Shutdown the NON-production environment. <code> cat | xargs kill ... /code> log/production.log should indicate an new start. <code> [Sun Jul 17 18:39:38 2014] [info] Server
Opera browser wild on opening sockets and listening on port 9050
7 Hits, Last modified:
te text describing the ZeuS incident]].</WRAP> I encountered an interesting incident on my Windows 7 home computer. I started to have issues: it seemed that internet connection started to drop. It happened once in a while and reboot... he issue. When the issue continued to come back I started investigating. First thing I noticed is that p... 897437.aspx|TCPView]] and noticed that there were enormous amount of sockets to localhost port 9050. I
The ZeuS malware incident
14 Hits, Last modified:
rrentVersion\RunOnce. These set the programs that start on boot and ZeuS is one of them. All the other entries in the registry looked normal but there was ... at ZeuS is often seen on a computer with [[|a rootkit]] installed.... ears that there are no longer suspicious programs starting on Windows boot and there are no Tor related f
A dedicated server or a virtual server
12 Hits, Last modified:
inking of downgrading to a VPS: * Hetzner has started to offer some interesting VPS's (vServer). I wa... * Running a dedicated server when VPS is enough is a waste of natural resources and a form of... ould be interpreted the server level in mind. The enterprise stuff is a different story. At my day job... EQ 4 mostly servers my content from RAM. 2 GB is enough to run [[|]] even
Catz metadata and social media integration @en:information_technology:catz
3 Hits, Last modified:
| meta og:site_name | | | link alternamte | from English to Finnish and Finnish to English | | meta fb:admins | | | link me | points to facebook fan pa... according the following table. ^ page ^ index ^ start ^ prev ^ next ^ | new1 | points to news | | point
Perl MVC frameworks: Catalyst, Dancer, Mojolicious
6 Hits, Last modified:
roject to test Dancer framework. When the project started I found Mojolicious not to be mature enough for this system. But it developed a lot and l... Dancer DSL, no Catalyst Moose), and it is easy to start your project with it. I think the key points why ... mcached, Bit::Vector) * the integrated template engine is fast and fits very well to my needs *
PostgreSQL vs SQLite
2 Hits, Last modified:
multiple languages. | | Query optimizer | Simple. Starts to show its limitations when joining plenty of t... concurrent writes. The current version has WAL to enable concurrent writes. * SQLite queries run ty
Dokuwiki notes and tricks
8 Hits, Last modified:
ided into two language branches so that all URL's start with en or fi Add to conf/local.php: <code> @include(DO... cal.protected.php: <code> <?php $conf['lang'] = 'en'; $detected_lang = preg_replace('/^(..).*/i','$1'... de> What this effectively does: Sets language to English. Then scans the requested path and if it beg... "toggle all" to uncheck all other languages than English * Don't tick anything else * Press "Star