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Creating a small NAS server based on OpenMediaVault
8 Hits, Last modified:
> Web administration. * Set the system to shut down when power button is pressed at System > Power Ma... ystem to make sure it still booted. There is drop down list on top right of web control panel where a re... ears as 5.5.4-1 (Usul). I set the system to shut down on power button press. That shutdown is typically very fast, much faster than a normal shutdown. Just a
Inside SOTKAnet
1 Hits, Last modified:
strict but right after that decides to do a drill-down. The system now uses the hierarchy table to find
The small NAS server: long-term impressions
1 Hits, Last modified:
one or two incidents that the system didn't shut down properly by pressing the power button and then re
The ZeuS malware incident
1 Hits, Last modified:
ng and it appeared that the network wasn't really down since ping packets traveled fine without issues.
Catz service management @en:information_technology:catz
1 Hits, Last modified:
tup script. <code>nano /etc/rc.local</code> Shutdown the NON-production environment. <code> cat hypno