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The future of DSLR bodies @en:photography:camera_bodies
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n software in order to boost independent software development on the body * Assisted smart manual exp... add more and more autofocus points and then start developing 3D photography features for selling us som
Photo 54: Sadevesikavo @en:photography:photos:20170818_vanhoja_teollisuusrakennuksia
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====== Photo 54: Sadevesikavo ====== [[{}.:53|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:55|Next >>>>>>]] [[{}s2|Bac... usrakennuksia/saha0056-700.jpg?nocache&.700x469|Sadevesikavo}}]] [[{}.:53|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:55|
Canon EOS 40D @en:photography:camera_bodies
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een 20D and 40D in image quality suggest that the development of DSLR bodies have been getting slower a
Nytech ND-4020 @en:photography:compact_cameras
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y of these. The best explanation to this negative development is that Nytech ND-3200 was manufactured b
Page 2 @en:photography:photos:20170818_vanhoja_teollisuusrakennuksia
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uusrakennuksia/saha0056-200.jpg?nocache&298x200|Sadevesikavo · Old industrial structures · photo 54}}]]