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About the design and implementation of Catz
39 Hits, Last modified:
====== About the design and implementation of Catz ====== <WRAP info>Written in 2011 so may contain o... service is stateless: the HTTP GET request's URL identifies the resource requested. There are no cooki... c access is dynamic but read only. All data is loaded offline by a loader sumsystem. * There is one simple straightforward layout and graphical design t
Catz service management
71 Hits, Last modified:
2-07-16.</WRAP> This page contains short process descriptions, notes and checks for Catz application engine management and for version upgrades. This page is provided as public to show an example how a Perl- and Mojolicious-based application ca... the changed files to the active server instance under //data// directory. Run the database loader on
Catz metadata and social media integration
68 Hits, Last modified:
t on html and body so we really are on the safe side | | link shortcut icon | standard old-school favi... eta robots | Controlled by stash variables meta_index and meta_follow. The default is index,follow when with default setup and noindex,nofollow otherwise. Controllers are allowed
Catz data concepts
18 Hits, Last modified:
known by the Catz service are listed here in the default sorting order. For more information about the concepts please see ^ Technical code ^ Visible text ^ Explanation ^ Source data level ^ Langauge dependent ^ | album | album | The visible name of th
Catz bulk intefrace
6 Hits, Last modified:
until summer 2014. It is still available but considered deprecated. </WRAP> ===== Listing the photos of an album ===== The request is sent as HTTP GET a... d. The first line returned is an informational header. The following lines contain the data using the ... t album having at least ten photos that have an indentified cat. The links to pages point to English
Catz application engine
2 Hits, Last modified:
cation that runs The source code is available at <nspages -h1 -exclude -Simplelist -textPages=""> Some of the technolog