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Photo 12: Destroyed
3 Hits, Last modified:
====== Photo 12: Destroyed ====== A destroyed part of track (1998-09-05) [[{}.:11|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:13|Next >>... a_motor_stadium/keim0012-700.jpg?nocache&.700x466|Destroyed}}]] [[{}.:11|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:13|
Photo 18: Destroyed
3 Hits, Last modified:
====== Photo 18: Destroyed ====== A destroyed part of track (1998-09-05) [[{}.:17|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:19|Next >>... a_motor_stadium/keim0018-700.jpg?nocache&.700x466|Destroyed}}]] [[{}.:17|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:19|
Keimola Motor Stadium
3 Hits, Last modified:
la_motor_stadium/keim0012-200.jpg?nocache&300x200|Destroyed · Keimola Motor Stadium · photo 12}}]] [[.... la_motor_stadium/keim0018-200.jpg?nocache&300x200|Destroyed · Keimola Motor Stadium · photo 18}}]] [[.... re the first photos · [[{}.:s2|Next photos · page 2 >>>>>>]] {{tag>auto history delerict vantaa}}
Photo 30: No-car
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== Photo 30: No-car ====== A destroyed car (2001-05-03) [[{}.:29|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:31|N