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Photo 9: Elevators
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====== Photo 9: Elevators ====== Modern elevator shafts, shot on a tripod with exposure time 1/4 sec and ISO 100, desaturated with a photo software (2004-08-27, Lintulahdenkuja 4, Helsinki Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:8|<<<<<<
Photo 40: Rudolf Walden
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====== Photo 40: Rudolf Walden ====== The statue of Rudolf Walden, Ilveslinna, Jämsänkoski (2004-08-07 Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:3... 0_era/nyte3005-700.jpg?nocache&.700x525|Rudolf Walden}}]] [[{}.:39|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:41|Next >
Page 2
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2 ====== {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(noindex,follow)}} ~~Title: Page 2~~ 2004 · 48 photos · ... 20_era/nyte3005-200.jpg?nocache&266x200|Rudolf Walden · Nytech ND-4020 photos · photo 40}}]] [[.:41|{{
Photo 12: The National Museum
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nnish National Museum at Helsinki, shot handheld, desaturated with photo software (2004-08-04 Nytech N
Photo 17: Rubber snake
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Photo 17: Rubber snake ====== A rubber snake, desaturated with a photo software (2004-07-13 Nytech