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Catz service management
6 Hits, Last modified:
tz service management ====== <WRAP info>Latest update 2022-07-16.</WRAP> This page contains short proc... structions were removed from this page. ===== Update data (unchanged structures) ===== Ship the chang... Git Sync the project if not yet synced. ===== Update Mojolicious & Hypnotoad on the fly ===== Do the Mojolicious update on dev first to find out any issues. Update Mojo
Catz data concepts
2 Hits, Last modified:
er | The folder name of the album | album | - | | date | day | The YYYYMMDD date of the album | album | - | | loc | location | The place where the album was s
Catz bulk intefrace
5 Hits, Last modified:
fi/bulk/photolist/. ==== Photos of any album by date and location ==== By providing additional parame... in any album. The required parameters are * d = date (YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD) * l = location ... fi/bulk/photolist?d=2004081&l=helsinki]] (invalid date) * [[]] (invalid date) * [[