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Music collection @en:music:music_collection
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usic collection ====== <WRAP info>List initially created 1996. Latest update 2024-04-20.</WRAP> ~~Title:
Production notes: One (2023) @en:music:track
1 Hits, Last modified:
e would help a lot. * The backbone sound track created on Yamaha Reface CS oscillator and filter is most
Electric Body Machinery Soundset for Waldorf Blofeld by Ari Ahrendt
1 Hits, Last modified:
ulti-purpose bass sound, interesting tones can be created by tweaking filter 2 | | 023 | Poly | A bit Melo
Waldorf Rocket
1 Hits, Last modified:
et is a modern analog-sounding hardware monosynth created and made by a German company Waldorf. ===== Pros
Comparing the small Waldorf synthesizers
1 Hits, Last modified:
the small Waldorf synthesizers ====== <WRAP info>Created 2015, latest update 2017-10-18.</WRAP> A German
A quick dive into the effects of Akai MPC Live
1 Hits, Last modified:
o the effects of Akai MPC Live ====== <WRAP info>Created 2017-10-22 while [[en:about|my website celebrates