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Photo 48: Lintulahdenkuja 4
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====== Photo 48: Lintulahdenkuja 4 ====== {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(noindex,nofollow)}} Lin... :fi:valokuvaus:valokuvat:1999_2003_around_finland:48|Vaihda kieli suomeksi]] [[https://heikkisiltala.... ] · [[:fi:valokuvaus:valokuvat:1999_2003_around_finland:48|Vaihda kieli suomeksi]] {{tag>helsinki}}
Photo 47: Liikennemerkki
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nassa (5/2001) [[{}.:46|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:48|Next >>>>>>]] [[{}s2|Back to album]] · [[https://... ennemerkki}}]] [[{}.:46|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:48|Next >>>>>>]] [[{}s2|Back to album]] · [[https://
Photo 49: Turku
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Tuomiokirkko Aurajoen takana (28.7.2002). [[{}.:48|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:50|Next >>>>>>]] [[{}s2|B... g_4001-700.jpg?nocache&.700x466|Turku}}]] [[{}.:48|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:50|Next >>>>>>]] [[{}s2|B
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tos around Finland 1999 - 2003 · photo 47}}]] [[.:48|{{ uja 4 · Photos around Finland 1999 - 2003 · photo 48}}]] [[.:49|{{
Photo 74: Ympyrätalo
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2003_around_finland/img_6002-700.jpg?nocache&.700x485|Ympyrätalo}}]] [[{}.:73|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}
Photo 94: Yyteri
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2003_around_finland/img_7010-700.jpg?nocache&.700x482|Yyteri}}]] [[{}.:93|<<<<<< Previous]] [[{}.:95