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Kuvia Nytech ND-4020 -kameralla
64 Hits, Last modified:
====== Kuvia Nytech ND-4020 -kameralla ====== 2004 · 48 kuvaa · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:start|Switch language to English]] Tässä... {{|The midnight sun · Kuvia Nytech ND-4020 -kamera
Sivu 2
38 Hits, Last modified:
atag-robots=(noindex,follow)}} ~~Title: Sivu 2~~ 2004 · 48 kuvaa · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:s2|Switch language to English]] [[{}start... {{|Barnacle goose · Kuvia Nytech ND-4020 -kamerall
Kuva 27: Merihaka
15 Hits, Last modified:
-robots=(noindex,nofollow)}} Merihaka, Helsinki (2004-07-08 Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:26|<<<<<< Edellinen... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:27|Switch
Kuva 1: The midnight sun
11 Hits, Last modified:
ight sun, shot handheld on 1/51 secs and ISO 100 (2004-06-20 Puotinharju Helsinki) [Nytech ND-4020] En... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:1|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 2: The blue twilight
11 Hits, Last modified:
} The blue twilight, shot on tripod and ISO 200 (2004-07-24 Puotinharju Helsinki Nytech ND-4020) [[{}... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:2|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 3: The electric blue dream
11 Hits, Last modified:
ue dream, shot on tripod on 1/24 sec and ISO 200 (2004-07-25 Puotinharju Helsinki Nytech ND-4020) [[{}... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:3|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 4: Sun behind buildings
11 Hits, Last modified:
the tower, exposure was corrected two steps down (2004-08-07 Patala Jämsänkoski Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:4|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 5: The sunset
11 Hits, Last modified:
correcting the exposure down one or two step(s) (2004-08-07 Patala Jämsänkoski Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:5|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 6: The sunset
11 Hits, Last modified:
correcting the exposure down one or two step(s) (2004-08-07 Patala Jämsänkoski Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:6|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 7: The sunset
11 Hits, Last modified:
ripod and correcting the exposure down two steps (2004-08-20 Puotinharju Helsinki Nytech ND-4020) [[{}... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:7|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 8: The sunset
11 Hits, Last modified:
boosted already on the camera (saturation: high) (2004-09-06 Puotinharju Helsinki Nytech ND-4020) [[{}... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:8|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 9: Elevators
11 Hits, Last modified:
c and ISO 100, desaturated with a photo software (2004-08-27, Lintulahdenkuja 4, Helsinki Nytech ND-4020... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:9|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 10: Woodwork
11 Hits, Last modified:
ollow)}} Some harish woodwork (Merihaka Helsinki 2004-09-10 Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:9|<<<<<< Edellinen]... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:10|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 11: Weather
11 Hits, Last modified:
heavy weather on a heavy road (Itäväylä Helsinki 2004-08-20 Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:10|<<<<<< Edellinen... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:11|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 12: The National Museum
11 Hits, Last modified:
, shot handheld, desaturated with photo software (2004-08-04 Nytech ND-4020) [[{}.:11|<<<<<< Edellinen... · [[|Täysi koko]] · [[:en:photography:photos:2004_nytech_nd4020_era:12|Switch language to English]]
Kuva 13: Hämeentie 42
11 Hits, Last modified:
Kuva 14: An old car
11 Hits, Last modified:
Kuva 15: Ralliauto
11 Hits, Last modified:
Kuva 16: An old car
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Kuva 17: Rubber snake
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Kuva 18: Squirrel
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Kuva 19: Merihaka
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Kuva 20: A macro shot
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Kuva 21: The balls
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Kuva 22: A forest
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Kuva 23: Mushrooms
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Kuva 24: Rastila Camping
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Kuva 25: Flower
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Kuva 26: Flower
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Kuva 28: Väinö Tanner
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Kuva 29: Statues
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Kuva 30: Barnacle goose
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Kuva 31: Barnacle goose
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Kuva 32: Barnacle goose
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Kuva 33: Barnacle goose
11 Hits, Last modified:
Kuva 34: Patalankoski
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Kuva 35: Kajaaninlinnantie 3
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Kuva 36: Mikke
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Kuva 37: Ilveslinna
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Kuva 38: Ilveslinna
11 Hits, Last modified:
Kuva 39: Ilveslinna
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Kuva 40: Rudolf Walden
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Kuva 41: Kajaaninlinnantie 5
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Kuva 42: Raaseporintie 6
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Kuva 43: Sanomatalo
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Kuva 44: Flower
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Kuva 45: Arhotie 24
11 Hits, Last modified:
Kuva 46: The red brick building
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Kuva 47: Jämsänkoski
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Kuva 48: Mannerheim
11 Hits, Last modified: