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sänkosken kouluja 2014]] |79 photos | |[[.:20060519_culture_trip_lake_tuusula/start|Lake Tuusula Culture Trip]] |19 photos | |[[.:200504_helsinki_stockholm_helsinki/... selection of artistic photos]] |67 photos | |[[.:1999_2003_around_finland/start|Photos around Finland 1999 - 2003]] |125 photos | |Total |482 photos | S
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rt|Old industrial structures]] |68 photos | |[[.:1998_2001_keimola_motor_stadium/start|Keimola Motor Stadium]] |41 photos | |[[.:1999_2004_alakiventie_myllypuro/start|Alakiventie sc... a kieli suomeksi]]. [[.:20230818_mahlun_maapallo:19|{{ en from south · The Globe Statue in Mahlu · photo 19}}]] [[.:20170818_vanhoja_teollisuusrakennuksia:8|